Content Supply Chain

To deliver meaningful, relevant, and hyper-personalised interactions at scale, you need a powerful content engine. That’s where Optima comes in.

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Recognised with multiple Adobe Experience Maker awards and a finalist for the 2024 Transformer Award, Optima transforms how businesses manage and execute their content strategy, swiftly taking you from planning to value realisation.

Optima supports Marketing leaders to enhance content supply chain with services including vision development, strategy definition, workflow design, and system configuration. Our expertise in Adobe, Fusion, Bynder, and Pega ensures rapid results and enduring benefits, optimising your content practices for greater intelligence, scalability, and value.

What is the Content Supply Chain?

A content supply chain refers to the comprehensive process, workflows, and tools a business uses to create, manage, and distribute content. It starts with ideation, moves to a formal request, and is followed by drafting, editing, and designing.

Content Creation

Crafting valuable and engaging material.

Content Management

Organising and maintaining content for accessibility and relevance.

Content Distribution

Sharing content widely across platforms to reach target audiences.

Content Analytics

Evaluating content performance metrics to inform decision-making.

The content supply chain for many organisations is an inefficient disjointed process, plagued by bottlenecks.

Common challenges include:

  • Lengthy reviews and approvals delaying content
  • Siloes and misalignment across teams
  • Dispersed, underutilised digital assets across systems
  • Inability to create and publish tailored content variations
  • Poor content performance and ROI measurement
  • Manual processes hampering output and quality

Optima's Content Supply Chain Approach

Experts in the future of content, Optima supports household names such as Lloyds Banking Group, Aviva, Barclays, OVO to transform content operations – from workflows to intelligent digital asset management and activating granular omnichannel content at scale.

Our approach:

1. Current State Analysis

Optima Partners begin our content supply chain approach by conducting a thorough audit and analysis of the organisation’s existing content operations, processes, roles, tools, systems, and workflows. Identifying bottlenecks, inefficiencies, disconnects, and areas for improvement across the entire content lifecycle.

2. Cross-Functional Collaboration

Our aim is to bring together stakeholders from all functions involved in the content supply chain – marketing, creative, product, technology, analytics etc. To achieve this, we facilitate workshops to gather insights, requirements, and perspectives from each group to enable fully aligned processes.

3. Process Design

Optima utilise findings from analyses and workshops to redesign and optimise processes, workflows, feedback loops, handoffs, and integration points across the content supply chain. Improving operations for maximum efficiency.

4. Technology Integration

The next step is to evaluate current tech stack and implement new/integrated tools and systems to support optimised processes. This may include content management, project management, digital asset management, workflow automation and reporting solutions.

5. Performance Integration

We establish metrics and KPIs to continuously measure supply chain performance. Set up dashboards and reporting to provide full visibility into cycle times, quality, productivity, asset usage and content effectiveness.

Connect with our Director of Design and Transformation via LinkedIn:

Take Control of Your Content Supply Chain with the Help of Optima Partners

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Managing, Maintaining and Minimising Content Risk, at Scale, Across a Large Retail Bank

A large UK retail bank partnered with Optima to enhance governance across their Content Supply Chain. Key objectives included increasing content output and speed while reducing risk, ensuring consistent branding across channels, and enabling personalisation ambitions amidst anticipated 10-fold growth in content volume, complexity, and variations.

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